The "Dear Mollye" Collection

Mollye’s correspondence with more than 350 Jewish American service members from Wilmington is preserved in the Dear Mollye Collection. Letter excerpts were printed in the Y Recorder. Distributed locally and to those serving throughout the war, Mollye’s letters connected the homefront and the battlefront, creating a pre-internet version of social media for families, friends, and service members hungry for news of one another.

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Ernest ReiverErnest Reiver

Ernest Reiver

United States Army
Elton Resnick

Elton Resnick

United States Army
George ResnickGeorge Resnick

George Resnick

United States
Harry RofelHarry Rofel

Harry Rofel

United States
Edward RosbrowEdward Rosbrow
Edward Rosbrow

United States
Nathan Rosbrow

Nathan Rosbrow

United States
Itzy RosenItzy Rosen

Itzy Rosen

United States
Joseph RosenJoseph Rosen

Joseph Rosen

United States
Simon RosenSimon Rosen

Simon Rosen

United States
David RosenblattDavid Rosenblatt

David Rosenblatt

United States
Harold RosenweigHarold Rosenweig

Harold Rosenweig

United States
Milton Rubin

Milton Rubin

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Israel Salus

Israel Salus

United States
Leon Salus

Leon Salus

United States
Byron Samonisky

Byron Samonisky

United States
George Samuels

George Samuels

United States
Jack Schenkman

Jack Schenkman

United States
Louis SchinfeldLouis Schinfeld

Louis Schinfeld

United States Louis Schinfeld
Mabel SchlangerMabel Schlanger

Mabel Schlanger

United States
Norman SchoenbergNorman Schoenberg

Norman Schoenberg

United States Army
Fred SchottFred Schott

Fred Schott

United States
Harold Schrieber

Harold Schrieber

United States
Morton Schulman

Morton Schulman

United States
Benjamin SeidelBenjamin Seidel

Benjamin Seidel

United States
Jesse Selinkoff

Jesse Selinkoff

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Daniel Shapiro

Daniel Shapiro

United States
Sydney Shpeen

Sydney Shpeen

United States
Joseph SiegelJoseph Siegel

Joseph Siegel

United States
Irv Sigmond

Irv Sigmond

United States
Jacob Silver

Jacob Silver

United States