Jewish Historical Society of Delaware Collections
April 4, 1917 – March 8, 1945
United States Army
Awarded the Bronze Star for courage and devotion to duty
A beloved local athlete who served in both the Pacific and European theatres, Artie Blatman died in combat in Germany on March 8, 1945. He was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star for courage and devotion to duty. Condolence letters from families of service members illustrate the strong bonds and the heart felt grief of the Wilmington Jewish American community at the loss of so many of their best and brightest.
The following photos and oral histories provide us with a glimpse into the life of Artie Blatman. From his basketball playing days at the ‘Y” to the final letter written to Mollye on February 11, 1945 and the letter to his mother informing her of Artie being posthumously awarded the Bronze Star.

Bottom Row (Left to Right) Abe Lewis, Unknown, Harry Stat, Sam Sloan, Sonny Levy, Dave Glazer, Sam Geller and Ball Boy: Morris “Skyball” Schultz.

In Artie’s final letter to Mollye, he requests that she not tell his mother that he is in Germany. The following letter sent by Mollye, she shares that she read the letter to his mother, but left out the part about Germany. Unfortunately, we have the letter because it could not be delivered to Artie before his death in combat on March 8, 1945.
Sunday, Feb 11,
Dear Mollye –
Received a letter from you a couple of days ago – glad to hear that Sammie is coming along okay. Say “hello” for me the next time you call.
At the present time we’re sitting in a small town in Hitler’s own backyard. Mom doesn’t have to know about it, but I’m in Germany. Everything is okay and these days are getting warmer. We’re getting our share of rain and along with it mud!
So far I’ve been in England, France, Belgium, Holland, and now the Motherland – Heil Hitler!!!
Regards to everyone around the “Y” and “hello Boss”

This letter from Mollye never reached Artie. It was returned to her following
his death.
February 27, 1945
Dear Artie,
You, Joe Frist and Bernie Goldman seem to follow each other up. Joe’s address is Hq Btry, 549-AAA (am) pm A.P.O 403 and Bernie is 398 AAA (am) Pm (Sp). Btry “A” A.P.O. 403. It may be wishful thinking but who knows you may shake hands across a drink. Friday I had a swell letter from Sonny, he was in a wheelchair for a few hours. He says he was pretty weak but he is going to try again this week. He still has a long way to go. Tell Hitler to go to hell!! I am so damn mad when I see his name in print.
I called your mother and told her I had a letter, I better for if I don’t call she calls me – I read all to her except the part where you are in Germany. We had a surprise Sunday, A few weeks ago I had a letter from Smokes Smookler from the Philippines, then a letter he was in Hawaii, and Sunday there he was in the ‘Y”. Peeny has gone on to another hospital to have some work done on his hand. They think they can do a better job. Ann has gone to join Mendel, he came up for three days to take her back and did I plow right into him. He saw Mossi Glazer before he left and all he did was call Esther. I gave him hell and he agreed with me (period).
All for now. Regards from Sonny, Johnny, and Mr. Sollod. Between Johnny & Sonny I don’t know whose worse, they are always complaining. Backache, headache, etc. Supermen!!
Your mom is fine.