Lou Brown

Ships Cook Third Class, Louis Brown, USN

February 3, 1926 – April 5, 2020
United States Navy

This letter opener was used by Lou Brown while serving in the Marianas Islands, likely to open letters received from Mollye.  Many of his letters to Mollye revolve around Jewish life in the military.

This letter opener was used by Lou Brown while serving in the Marianas Islands, likely to open letters received from Mollye.  Many of his letters to Mollye revolve around Jewish life in the military.

Listen to Lou talk about his time in the United States Navy

Oral History, Louis Brown, courtesy of the Library of Congress, Louis Brown Collection, interview by Marla Brown Fogelman, October 13, 2002 and May 21, 2009.

Holiday Greetings

Purim Greetings from Lou Brown to Mollye Sklut, February 25, 1945.

V-Mail greetings for Jewish Holidays were sent by many of Mollye’s correspondents.

Passover V-Mail from Lou Brown to Mollye Sklut, 1945.

Read Marla Brown Fogelman’s article about her father’s medals.
