January 14, 1922 – January 1, 2004
United States Army Air Corps
Awarded American Service Medal Adriatic-Pacific, Good Conduct Medal, Tech School (Photography) Medal, WWII Victory Medal and the Marksmanship Medal
Jack Coonin served in the MIT Radiation Lab helping develop technology for the detection of ships and aircraft. Later he helped pioneer 3-D aerial photography for target acquisition. Coonin photographed the mushroom cloud following the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki, Japan. During his service was stationed in India, China, and Tinian.

11-4 -44
Dear Mollye,
There’s little a fellow can write, for alone can say from the B-29 bases is a mere feeble gripe to air disapproval of the weather, heat, dust, food, etc., but these things seem to fade into insignificance, when here in the comparative safety of a big airbase, I receive the Recorder. Those names on the “Roster” that are distinguished with an asterisks seem to thin the air in one’s sails.
First thought that came to mind on reading the casualty list was – Golly –

him and him and him on a furlough, a pass or maybe at a “Y” basketball game. And then it dawns on me – I’ll never see those faces again! – those seats will be empty at the games! The stern reality of the situation is shocking, and we must remember those names in something more than a bronze plaque in the foyer. Those names must represent an ideal, to be held forward to the future, as something substantial.
I’ll leave it at that – my words are to inadequate for my emotions.
I’ve run into 2 Phi Chapter men here, and I’m hot on Brodie’s tail. I flew into Calcutta with an “out-of-town”

Sigma Phi man, who was a regular visitor at the “Y”. If any of the other boys wind up in this theater send the address poste-haste and I’ll try to find him.
Best wishes + regards to all at the old stand. Remember me on “Recorder” day.
Jake Coonin
November 4, 1944 – “Remembering Those We Have Lost”
Letter from Jack “Jake” Coonin, November 4, 1944, India.
Declassified Unit History of the 14th Photo Lab
Description of the establishment of how the 14th Photographic Laboratory Unit created a photo lab in Kharagpur, India in 1945. It serves as an excellent example of how the United States Military established outposts around the globe to provide the technology required to win the war.

August 8, 1945, from a U.S. B-29 Superfortress
U.S. National Archives and and Records Administration/Science Photo Library
Universal Images Group
Copyright Science Photo Library
Photo taken by Jack Coonin of the US Air Force
Prior to the war, Jack apprenticed in the jewelry trade for Leo Ferber on 2nd Street in Wilmington. While stationed in India, he connected fellow GIs with local jewelers and brought back several star sapphires, one of which he made into a ring for himself and one an engagement ring for his future wife Fay. Jack returned to Wilmington and ran his own Jewelry shop on 231 North Market Street.