Sid Feldman

Sid Feldman

October 26, 1922 – March 13, 2013

United States Army Air Force

Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross

For his service, Feldman earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism.

August 14, 1944 “Mollye’s Souvenir”

The letter to Mollye which included the pin from the bomb dropped on Germany in her honor. Note the description of the Netherlands. Letters often contain ‘hints’ about the service members whereabouts as providing specific information often resulted in the information being redacted by military censors.

Aug 14, 1944

Alls well!

Dear Mollye:

I just received your v-mail of the 1st, thanks a lot, and I’ll get a letter out to Ky Podolsky right away.  We did two important things today, the latter for our stomachs, the former for our work.  We were out on a raid today, a nice quite [sic] milk run with no action, don’t worry we like it that way.  There also we get our weeks rations which always gives us gum for the gum-chew kids. I am pretty anxious for that new recorder.  Have a feeling that lots has happened since the last one.  I have gone through two thirds of our tour, and on the 21st of the month we are to the rest

home for a week.  Just imagine, civilian clothes, white sheets and no sound of engines roaring.  Of course that’s still a few missions away, and its something to look forward to.  From your other letter, I decided to save you a souvenir of a mission.  Its a pin pulled from a bomb to allow the fusing to be free on dropping.  I usually send my blessing with them.  This particular trip was kind of rough, but were here.  Got to see another country today.  Dykes, canals, wind mills, tulips, and wooden shoes, now can you guess.  I’ll keep trying over here, your helping.



This pin sent to Mollye is from a bomb dropped on Germany on August 9, 1944. According to Sid Feldman, it was dropped, “On Behalf of Mollye and it was good.”