Milton Honey
Last Name: Milton
First Name: Honey
Middle Initial/Name:
Nickname: Miltie; Milt; Wings
Wilmington Residence:
High School:
Post-Secondary Education:
Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:
Branch of Armed Services: Army/Army Air Force
Armed Services Serial Number: 32073877
Service Duration:
Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Washington, DC; Ft. Story, VA: Norfolk, VA; Seattle, WA; Renton, WA; Camp Haan, Riverside, CA; Fort Bragg, NC; Camp Howard, TX; Camp Bowie, TX
Unit(s): Bat. E 212 CAAA; HQ and HQ Battery, 34 CA Brigade; 45th ST Armory; 34th Coast Artillery Brigade; Co. 1839 U.S.N.T.S.; Bty "A" 212 AAA AWB; Bty A 784 Armed F.A. Bn.
Rank(s): Pfc.; A.S.; Cpl.
Theater(s) of Operation:
Military Occupation/Specialty:
Of Interest: 6/11/42 - Describes scenery on cross country trip to Seattle; 9/21/42 - Describes difficulty of adjustment back to Army life after 9 days on furlough; 12/13/42 - Reference to younger brother Edward; 11/15/43 - Letter requesting a recommendation for transfer to the Air Corp from Mr. Sollod; 2/7/43 - Description of radio and rifle 'gremlins' that disrupt radio translation and impede accurate shooting; All letters from 3/11/45 are from wife - Ruthie; 6/15/45 - Ruthie working as a Hemotologist at Camp Bowie, receives a phone call from Milt in the middle of writing letter;
Delaware Connection(s): Joe Lichtenbaum; Edward Honey; Sammy Geller; Artie Blatman;
Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:
First Letter to Mollye: 12/30/1941
Last Letter to Mollye: 06/12/1945
Number of Items in Mollye Collection: 85
Y Recorder link(s):
Delaware's WWII Fallen Profile:
Oral History Interview(s):
Later Work:
Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:
Name(s) of Children:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother: