The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware will hold it annual meeting on Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 2 PM.
The program, “Hagley, Business History and the Jewish Community,” will highlight notable Jewish business leaders.
Marty Mand will provide a brief overview of notable individuals from the DuPont Company who held leadership positions in the Delaware Jewish Community.
Roger Horowitz, director of The Center for the History of Business, Technology and Society will introduce selections from Hagley Museum and Library research collections documenting the history of American business, technology, and industrial design. The review will include material from David Sarnoff and the RCA Corporation, the Bronfman family and Seagram’s Distillery and Irving S. Shapiro, CEO of the Du Pont Company.
This event will be held at Hagley Museum and Library, Soda House, 298 Buck Road, Wilmington, Delaware.
Light refreshments will follow the presentation. Seating is limited. Reservations are recommended. Please call (302) 655-6232
Reservations are closed for this event.