Jack Schenkman

Dear Mollye :—
Received your letter. Feeling fine, hope to hear the same from  you all. (Pardon my Southern accent).
I was very happy to hear that the “Y” team was victorious in its debut in basketball. Here’s hoping they stay undefeated the balance of the season. In your next letter let me know Captain Smith’s first name, so I can look him up.
In the meantime, I am gaining weight and enjoying myself. Expected to be home last week but too many soldiers in my Company went A. W. 0. L. Mollye, they sure do get punishment for it. Besides waiting for their court marshal [sic], they have to wear full pack with gas masks and liters on their shoulders and they have to march for three hours every night. I mean to tell you, the boys who went A. W. 0. L. are really sorry.
I still did not get the Recorder and I am still waiting patiently for it. Received a letter from Syd Lincoln. Well, I guess this is all for the present. Will close with
best regards to you, Mr. Sollod, Sonny, Johnny, Marian, Doris and everybody.
Your soldier boy,
Jack Schenkman
P. S. Please send me the Recorder and try and get Captain Smith’s address so I  can see him. Looking forward to your coming letter plus Recorder. I just read the Wilmington Journal and didn’t see the “Y” team entered in the
Catholic League. Why?