Moishe Jacobs

Dear Mollye:—
I’m taking this way of extending my best wishes to you and the “Y” for a Happy New Year and hope it finds the close of the War and safe return of all your friends and mine.
I’m feeling swell and since I last wrote you I’ve started to drop my record bombs by which they will classify me.
I thought I’d just about had all the thrills a person could get in a plane, but it sure was one of my biggest thrills when I released my first bomb and watched it drop. It’s really uncanny, the whole business here, it just doesn’t seem possible at the perfection with which a person cam work and drop bombs.
Of course the boy’s have come home and told of how swell it was to fly or navigate, but from the paper I guess I’ll be the first bombardier from the gang at the “Y”. Or am I wrong.
Don’t forget to extend my wishes to Mr. Sollod and the gang.
Sincerely, Moishe Jacobs