Minutes of the Jewish Community Cemetery Association


Minutes of the Jewish Community Cemetery Association


Jewish Historical Society of Delaware


A meeting of the Planning and Development Committee of the JCCA was held on Sunday, January 18, 1953 at the offices of the JF of Dela. 100 E. 7th Street, Wilm., Delaware.
Those present were:
Samuel Keil, Chairman,
Louis Budin,
Julius Chester
Herbert L. Cobin
Louis Plutensky (?)
Mr. Joseph Braiger telephoned in at 10:15 AM to say he was ill and could not attend. Mr. Rohe Liberman was in NYC attending a conference.
Mr. Louis Budin stressed the importance of moving ahead on the development of the trail. He pointed out that Chesed Shel Emeth needed additional graves very badly and that something had to be done. He pointed out that the Planning and Development Com. Had been appointed in July 1952 and it seemed that much time had been wasted.
Mr. Cobin said he had attended a special meeting of the Bd. Of Dir. Of the Chesed Shel Emeth Congregation Tuesday evening, Jan. 13; that a full discussion of the Cemetery situation was had and that the Bd. Of Dirs. passed a resolution approving everything the Cem. Assoc. had done and urging it to continue on with the development of the grounds.
Mr. Keil stated that more progress has not taken place because Beth Shalom had not given andy cooperation, particularly that its representatives to the Cem. Assoc failed to attend meetings and show their willingness to be a part of the planning and development process.
At this point Mr. Budin suggested the telephoning of Philip Cohen to find out if something could be done about the situation. Mr. Cohen was contacted. Mr. Cobin suggested to Mr. Cohen that a special meeting of the Bd. of Dirs. of Beth Shalom be called soley for the purpose of clarifying the Cemetery matter as was done by Adas Kodesch and Chesed Shel Emeth Bd. Of Dirs. Mr. Coehn stated that was not necessary as the Bd. of Dirs. of Beth Shalom had already signified its cooperation and authorized the proceeding with the development of the land. Mr. Keil also spoke to Mr. Cohen and was advised to the same effect. Mr. Chohen also told Mr. Keil he would attend a meeting of the Comm. that week at which Mr. Van Demark the architect would be present to log the matter before Mr. Van Demark.
Mr. Cohen also discussed with Mr. Cobin the question of getting someone from Beth Shalom who will take a active interest in work and Mr. Chas. Schnitzers was suggested by both a very desirable.
After considerable discussion it was agreed that the approach to planning would be to have all the ground west of the present cemetery site laid out as to the final over-all plan, that approximately 3 acres of graves witht eh immediate necessary roads and walks be developed at the present time, that a meeting be arranged for that week with Mr. Van Demark and ___.
Also considerable discussion took place as to Moses Montifiore and Workmens Circle. If MM stays in the __ it was the unanimous opinion that the Cem. __ develop only the gnd West of the presently used site. Adas Kodesch , Chesed Shel Emeth & Beth Shalom only contributing to the Assoc for that expense, that in years to come when MM & WC needs additional graves that the 1.8 acre price of land lying next to the WC p___ area then be developed by the Assoc. the expense to be contributed by WC & MM. However, to the extent that it may be necessary or desirable to build roads or walks in the 1.8 acre area WC & MM will share the expense pro rata & only a fair and equitable basis.
The Cem. Asso. Will establish minimum Rules and Regulations, a perpetual care and maintenance fund and do other things necessary to be done.

Original Format

paper documents


Minutes February 18, 1951
Minutes April 23, 1951
Minutes September 6, 1951


“Minutes of the Jewish Community Cemetery Association,” Jewish Historical Society of Delaware Collections, accessed March 9, 2025, https://jhsdelaware.org/collections/digital/items/show/184.