The event will be held at the Soda House, Hagley Museum and Library, 298 Buck Road, Wilmington, DE 19807.
Wilmington, DE –The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware is collaborating with the Hagley Museum and Library in presenting the JHSD annual meeting program, “Hagley, Business History and the Jewish Community.”
The annual meeting and program will be held Sunday, April 23, 2017 at the Hagley Soda House Building at 298 Buck Road in Greenville from 2 PM to 4 PM with light refreshments after the event.
The program will focus, in part, on Delaware Jewish community leader, Irving Shapiro, as chief executive officer of the DuPont Company, and on other noteworthy Jewish business leaders.
Dr. Roger Horowitz, director of Hagley’s Center for the History of Business, Technology and Society, will conduct the presentation based on Hagley’s research collection, which documents the history of American business, technology and industrial design.
In addition, Dr. Horowitz will present Hagley archival materials relating to David Sarnoff and the RCA Corporation, as well as, once DuPont Company major stockholder, Bronfman family and its Seagram’s Distillery. Past President of the Jewish Federation of Delaware, Marty Mand, will present an overview of many notable individuals from the DuPont Company who held leadership positions in the Delaware Jewish community, including Milton Kutz, Ed Schall, Marty and many others.
The JHSD will conduct a short annual meeting at the event with a review of the past year’s activities and will elect its directors and officers for the coming year.
Dan Kristol, President of the JHSD, said that,
“The program is particularly timely in that the Du Pont Company, as we have known it, will likely change forever upon consummation of the proposed merger with Dow Chemical Corporation. The merged corporation is then planned to be divided into three new companies. We, as an historical society, will in our program create a record of past history, leadership and accomplishments of the Jewish community relating to the Du Pont Company, not likely to be repeated.”
The annual meeting program is open to the public with free admission. Seating is limited and reservations are recommended. Please call the JHSD at 302.655.6232 or visiting the JHSD website, www.jhsdelaware.org.