The "Dear Mollye" Collection

Mollye’s correspondence with more than 350 Jewish American service members from Wilmington is preserved in the Dear Mollye Collection. Letter excerpts were printed in the Y Recorder. Distributed locally and to those serving throughout the war, Mollye’s letters connected the homefront and the battlefront, creating a pre-internet version of social media for families, friends, and service members hungry for news of one another.

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Albert GreenfieldAlbert Greenfield

Albert Greenfield

United States Navy
Eli Greenfield

Eli Greenfield

United States Marine Corps
M. Greenstein

M. Greenstein

United States Navy
Herman GreenstineHerman Greenstine

Herman Greenstine

United States Navy
Sydney GreenstineSydney Greenstine

Sydney Greenstine

United States Army
Herbert GreenwaldHerbert Greenwald

Herbert Greenwald

United States Marine Corps
Milt HaberMilt Haber

Milt Haber

United States Army
Edward HardenEdward Harden

Edward Harden

Morris HarwitzMorris Harwitz

Morris Harwitz

Sidney HarwitzSidney Harwitz

Sidney Harwitz

United States Army
Maurice HendensteinMaurice Hendenstein

Maurice Hendenstein

Herbert HessHerbert Hess

Herbert Hess

Aaron HillerAaron Hiller

Aaron Hiller

Irvin HillerIrvin Hiller

Irvin Hiller

Joseph HillerJoseph Hiller

Joseph Hiller

Herman HindenHerman Hinden

Herman Hinden

United States Army
Herbert Hirsch

Herbert Hirsch

United States Army
Phillip HirschikPhillip Hirschik

Phillip Hirschik

David Hirshout

David Hirshout

Francis HirshoutFrancis Hirshout

Francis Hirshout

United States Army
Herman HirshoutHerman Hirshout

Herman Hirshout

United States Navy
Matthew Hirshout

Matthew Hirshout

United States Army Air Force
Irving HochsteinIrving Hochstein

Irving Hochstein

United States Navy
Eugene HocksteinEugene Hockstein

Eugene Hockstein

United States Army Air Force
Edward Honey

Edward Honey

United States Navy
Milton Honey

Milton Honey

United States Army/United States Army Air Force
Bernard HuderickBernard Huderick

Bernard Huderick

Paul Hurschman

Paul Hurschman

United States Army Air Force
Phil IgnatinPhil Ignatin

Phil Ignatin

Albert JacobsAlbert Jacobs

Albert Jacobs

United States Army Air Force