The "Dear Mollye" Collection

Mollye’s correspondence with more than 350 Jewish American service members from Wilmington is preserved in the Dear Mollye Collection. Letter excerpts were printed in the Y Recorder. Distributed locally and to those serving throughout the war, Mollye’s letters connected the homefront and the battlefront, creating a pre-internet version of social media for families, friends, and service members hungry for news of one another.

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Harry JacobsHarry Jacobs

Harry Jacobs

Leon Jacobs

Leon Jacobs

United States Army
Maurice Jacobs

Maurice Jacobs

United States Army Air Force
United States Navy
I. Willis Jacoby

I. Willis Jacoby

United States Army
William JacobyWilliam Jacoby
William Jacoby

United States Army
Roland JaeckRoland Jaeck

Roland Jaeck

Sol JasperSol Jasper

Sol Jasper

United States Army Air Force
Frederick JermanFrederick Jerman

Frederick Jerman

United States Army
Daniel KarschDaniel Karsch

Daniel Karsch

United States Army
Robert KayRobert Kay

Robert Kay

United States Navy (Reserves)
Max KeilMax Keil

Max Keil

Millard KeilMillard Keil

Millard Keil

United States Army
Paul Kelrick

Paul Kelrick

United States Army Air Force
Samuel KetySamuel Kety

Samuel Kety

United States Army Air Force
Joseph Kirschner

Joseph Kirschner

United States Army
Daniel KlawanskyDaniel Klawansky

Daniel Klawansky

Joseph KlevanJoseph Klevan

Joseph Klevan

Marge KlineMarge Kline

Marge Kline

Maury KlineMaury Kline

Maury Kline

Grace Knopf

Grace Knopf

United States Navy
Samuel KolinerSamuel Koliner

Samuel Koliner

United States Army
Rabbi Jacob Kraft

Jacob Kraft

United States Army
Seymour KramerSeymour Kramer

Seymour Kramer

United States Army
Arthur Krause

Arthur Krause

United States Army Air Force
Jacob KreshtoolJacob Kreshtool

Jacob Kreshtool

United States Navy
Louis Kreshtool

Louis Kreshtool

United States Army
David KrigsteinDavid Krigstein

David Krigstein

Herman Krinsky

Herman Krinsky

Harold Kruger

Harold Kruger

United States Army
Grace KrupfGrace Krupf

Grace Krupf