Maurice Jacobs
Last Name: Jacobs
First Name: Maurice
Middle Initial/Name: N.
Nickname: Maury; Moishe
Wilmington Residence:
High School:
Post-Secondary Education:
Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:
Branch of Armed Services: United States Army Air Force/United States Navy
Armed Services Serial Number: 0-939100
Service Duration:
Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Maxwell Field, AL; Nashville, TN; Santa Ana, CA; Aluetian Islands, AK; Roswell Army Flying School, Roswell, NM; Dutch Harbor, AK; Camp Bradford, Norfolk, VA; Camp Endicott, Davisville, RI; Gowen Field, Boise, ID; Camp Parks, Shoemaker, CA; Wendover Army Air Base, Wendover, UT
Unit(s): Hq and HQ Sqdrn., 13th A.B. Photographic Department; 14th A.B Sq.; Sq G, Grp. 2, AAFCC; Squadron 86 Santa Ana Army Air Force Base; 85th MCB Hdq I Gallery; Sqdrn. 88, Santa Ana Army Air Force Base; Class 43-3 Ec @ Roswell Army Flying School; 85th NCB Hdqts. I Galley; Batt 85, Co A, Plat 1; 43rd Bomber Squad; Battery 85, Co. D. Pltn 6; 85th Naval Construction Battery Headquarters, Co 3; Transit Training Unit 1 COP 100,Co C
Rank(s): Sgt.; Cpl.; A/c; SC3/c; C3d; Lt.
Theater(s) of Operation: North Pacific
Locations: Public Relations Photographer; Bombadier; Assistant Group Photo Officer
Military Occupation/Specialty:
Of Interest: Letters describing waiting for assignment; 5/31/41 - Golfing with National Open Amateur Champion, Dick Chapman; 11/5/42 - In hospital for minor operation, his squadron moved due to Scarlet Fever epidemic; 12/15/42 - Description of typical training day; 12/21/42 - Describes thrill of dropping first bomb from a plane; 12/27/43 - Contains a menu from Christmas dinner for 85th Construction Battalion; 2/26/43 - Talking to Rabbi and making Jewish services available; 8/26/43 - Being suspended from flying for health reasons; 12/1/43 - Cleared to fly again; Files contain letters from wife Lynn; 1/10/44 - Description of work as a photo officer recording where bombs are dropped and intelligence missions; 4/15/45 - Description of how cigarettes are rationed
Delaware Connection(s): Ziggy Lipstein; Albert Jacobs (brother); Harry Frist; Jerry Tannen; Al Klein; Milded Malofsky; Blanche and Ben Rudwick; Joe Lectinbaum; Jake Coonin; Paul Hurschman; Lenny Abrams; Ralph Tomases;
Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:
Photo: Yes
First Letter to Mollye: 05/31/1941
Last Letter to Mollye: 08/23/1945
Number of Items in Mollye Collection: 234
Y Recorder link(s):
Delaware's WWII Fallen Profile:
Oral History Interview(s):
Later Work:
Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name: Lynne
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:
Name(s) of Children:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother: