Joseph First

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Last Name: First
First Name: Joseph
Middle Initial/Name: M.


Wilmington Residence:

High School:
Secondary School:

Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:

Branch of Armed Services: United States Army
Armed Services Serial Number: 0-410513
Service Duration:

Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Fort Monroe,VA; Boston, MA; Camp Edwards, MA; Winter Garden. FL; West Hampton Beach, Long Island, NY

Unit(s): Battery A-68th CA (AA);422nd CA, Battery A; Battery C, 350th CA; HQ Battery 549th AAA AW BN

Rank(s): Sgt.; Lt.; Cpt.

Theater(s) of Operation: Europe

Locations: England; Scotland; Wales; France (Metz); Luxembourg; Belgium; Germany (Saar Union; Saar)

Campaigns/Battles: Ardennes Offensive (Battle of the Bulge)

Military Occupation/Specialty: Battery Commander; Plans and Training Officer



Of Interest: Talks about a play he is writing; 11/13/42 - Letter expresses embarrasment about being sited in the paper, in his view, undeservedly; Extensive correspondance related to the wellbing of individuals in/from Wilmngton; 5/2/43 - References to Army activity he cannot share and that Lord Haw-Haw (Nazi propaganda broadcaster William Joyce) is even paying attention; 1/31/45 - Details about experiences fighting across Europe; 11/7/44 - letter about learning of brother Harry's death; letters from 1945 describe combat in detail; 1/22/45 - brags about being part of the 3rd Army; Full envelope from E. F. Sklut containing letters from Joe to his family

Delaware Connection: Harry Rofel; Maurice Goldberg

Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:

Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:

Photo: Yes

First Letter to Mollye: 07/22/1941
Last Letter to Mollye: 04/16/1945
Number of Folders in Mollye Collection: 7
Y Recorder link(s):

Delawares WWII Fallen Profile:

Oral History Interview(s):

Later Work:

Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:

Name(s) of Children:


Father's Name:
Mother's Name:

Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother:
