Joseph Garber

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Last Name: Garber
First Name: Joseph
Middle Initial/Name:


Wilmington Residence:

High School:
Secondary School:

Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:

Branch of Armed Services: United States Army Air Force
Armed Services Serial Number:
Service Duration:

Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Atlantic City, NJ; Enlisted Men Basic Trainnig Detachment, Barnbridge, GA; Keesler Field, MS; Tonopah, NV; Hammer Field, Fresno,CA; Fayetville, AR; San Antonio Cadet Center, San Antonio, TX

Unit(s): 989th Tech School Squadron; 682nd School Squadron; 307 Tech School Squadron; 305 Tech School Squadron; 422nd AAF Base Unit; 409th Sub Depot; 450th AAF Base Unit; 305 CTD,Squadron C; 882nd Pilot Group N, 22nd Squadron Class 44 G

Rank(s): Pvt.; Pfc.

Theater(s) of Operation:



Military Occupation/Specialty:



Of Interest: 7/16/43 - Serves as Chaplan,difficulies with college courses as a former vocational school student; Describes life in the Army with qualifying disabilities and the accompanying depression

Delaware Connection: Jerry Tannen; Eddie Rosblow; Lt. Poland

Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:

Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:

Photo: Yes

First Letter to Mollye: 08/08/1942
Last Letter to Mollye: 09/11/1944
Number of Folders in Mollye Collection: 3
Y Recorder link(s):

Delawares WWII Fallen Profile:

Oral History Interview(s):

Later Work:

Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:

Name(s) of Children:


Father's Name:
Mother's Name:

Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother:
