Leonard Lipstein

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Last Name: Lipstein
First Name: Leonard
Middle Initial/Name: L.
Nickname: Lenny


Wilmington Residence:

High School:
Secondary School:

Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:

Branch of Armed Services: Army Air Force
Armed Services Serial Number: 0-386364/0-471439
Service Duration:

Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Portsmouth, VA

Unit(s): 74th CA (AA) Regt., Btry E; Btry F, 213th CA(AA); Battery H, 213th CA (AA); Battery E 213th CA (AA); Regtl. HQ,213th CA(Aa); Btry A-899th AAA (AW) Btn.; 244th Ordnance MAM Co.;

Rank(s): Lt.; 1st Lt.

Theater(s) of Operation: Europe; African; Mediterranean

Locations: Northern Ireland; Scotland; North Africa (Algeria); Italy; France (Corsica); Germany (Munich), (Mannheim), (Berlin)


Military Occupation/Specialty:



Of Interest: 6/4/42 - Understanding military secrets - "I see things and learn things everyday that Adolph would love to know well"; 7/14/42 - Contains one of his poems; 8/31/42 - Contains joke about Hitler and Mussolini dividing Soviet Union; 10/13/42 - Description of being in his dwelling in Northern Ireland; 12/1/42 - Communicating with the local population, overcoming the language barrier; 12/28/42 - Language lessons with a local boy (swapping Arabic for English); 1/15/43 -Baseball, pinochle and long stretches of boredom; 1/22/43 - Meeting the stars of a USO show; 1/25/43 - Being invited to and a description of a Jewish wedding; 6/20/43 - Meeting Leaman Podolsky on the street; 4/10/43 - Letter about missing home; 4/21/43 - Describes Jewish customs observed in Africa; 5/29/43 - Sharing campaign experiences as the conclusion of North African campaign; 5/13/43 - Tells of getting Mother's Day poem published in Stars and Stripes; 7/10/43 - Shares recipe for 'Omelet de Rhum', story of Italian soldier laughing "I'm going to New York and your going to Italy"; 8/14/43 - Details about seeing Bob Hope performance; 10/23/43 - Learning Italian; 8/17/42 Describes a week at a rest camp; 11/25/44 - Spending Rosh Hashanah in a rest camp; 12/29/44 Describes enjoying being an infantryman and waiting 27 months after leaving the states to do what he was trained to do, the return home of his brother and cousin; 3/19/45 - Describes move from anti-aircraft artillery to infantry, three months on the front lines in Maritime Alps, now in an Ordnance outfit; 5/22/45 - In Munich, seeing beer halls where Hitler spoke, Hitler's private apartments, and Dachau; 9/3/1943 - Detailed description of talking to Germans about Nazism and the persecution of Jews, seeing Berlin and Dachau and feeling that "the three years overseas were not a total loss"; 9/27/45 - Final letter to Mollye from Berlin prior to returning home

Delaware Connection: Alfie Green; Leaman Podolsky; Eugene Lipstein; Sigmund Lipstein; Bob Boyer; Dave Paiken(?)

Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:

Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:

Photo: Y

First Letter to Mollye: 6/23/42
Last Letter to Mollye:
Number of Items in Mollye Collection: 80
Y Recorder link(s):

Delawares WWII Fallen Profile:

Oral History Interview(s):

Later Work:

Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:

Name(s) of Children:


Father's Name: Charles Z. Lipstein
Mother's Name:

Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother:
