Martin Garfinkel
Last Name: Garfinkel
First Name: Martin
Middle Initial/Name: Samuel
Wilmington Residence:
High School:
Secondary School:
Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:
Branch of Armed Services: United States Army
Armed Services Serial Number: 32359572
Service Duration:
Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Lawson General Hospital, Atlanta, GA; Fort Dix, NJ; Camp Davis, NC; Fort Fisher, NC; Camp Pickett, VA
Unit(s): Company B, 1st Platoon, MDTS; 445th Army Air Force Sep. Battalion, Med. Det.; Battery F, 208th CA A/A; Med. Detachment 445th A.A.A. A.W. Bn.
Rank(s): Pvt.; Cpl.
Theater(s) of Operation: Europe
Locations: England; France; Belgium (Hasselt); Germany; Holland (Maastricht); Luxembourg;
Military Occupation/Specialty: Dental Technician
Of Interest: 10/6/42 - Details of a day in camp; 11/22/42 - Description of menu; Contains copies of the 11/21 and 12/5 editions of the Lawson News; Contains copy of 7/30/43 edition of the The Bofor's Bulletin (issued by 445th AAA AW Bn (m) medical detachment)
Delaware Connection:
Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:
Photo: Yes
First Letter to Mollye: 01/14/1943
Last Letter to Mollye: 09/20/1945
Number of Folders in Mollye Collection: 4
Y Recorder link(s):
Delawares WWII Fallen Profile:
Oral History Interview(s):
Later Work:
Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:
Name(s) of Children:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother: