Sigmund Lipstein
Last Name: Lipstein
First Name: Sigmund
Middle Initial/Name: M
Nickname: Siggie
Wilmington Residence:
High School:
Secondary School:
Civilian Occupation Prior to Service:
Branch of Armed Services: Army Air Force
Armed Services Serial Number: 0-794025
Service Duration:
Training Grounds/Domestic Locations: Monroe, LA; Station Hospital, Fort Hamilton, NY; Maxwell Field, AL; Turner Field, Albany, GA; Mather Field, CA; Kelly Field; Ellington Field, TX;
Unit(s): 42-15 Flight 42; A.A.F.N.S Group IV; Squadron I Group 13; Squadron K, Group 9; 66G; 668th Nav. Trg. Grp.;
Rank(s): A/C; Lt.
Theater(s) of Operation:
Military Occupation/Specialty: Flight Navigation; Assistant Group Supply Officer
Of Interest: 10/14/42 - Excitement about graduating from officer's school, contains a poem he wrote; 11/18/42 - Desciption of graduation and riding on missions with cadets; 12/2/42 - Describes being home in Delaware on leave; 12/10/42 - Hospitalized for kidney issue; 6/22/42 - Describes thrill of calling his father; 8/9/42 - Describes first flight; January 1943 letters describe hospitalization for a duodenal ulcer; 1/28/43 - Describes father visiting him in the hospital; 6/3/43 - Describes wife joining him in Sacremento, grounded from flying because of ulcers; 6/12/43 - Meeting Jewish famililes in Sacremento, boredom in new role as supply officer; 6/29/43 - Concern new job doesn't allow him to do his fair share; 1/6/44 - Describes returning to Houston to a town and job that he does not like and without his wife; 2/17/44 - Excitement about flying status being restored for domestic flights; 3/2/44 - Appeal of returning to flying status - putting to use what he learned and an extr $85 a month to support Sis and the baby
Delaware Connection: Al Green, Eugene Lipstein; Jules Goldstein; George Weiner; Moishe Jacobs; Nate Goberman; Florence and Bernie Blieberg; Jerry and Roasalyn Balick; Jerry Lippman; Seymour Blackman Sis
Discharge Date:
Where Returned:
Did Not Return:
Death Date:
Death Place:
Death Cause:
Place of Burial:
First Letter to Mollye: 10/14/42
Last Letter to Mollye: 3/31/44
Number of Items in Mollye Collection: 89
Y Recorder link(s):
Delawares WWII Fallen Profile:
Oral History Interview(s):
Later Work:
Date of Marriage:
Spouse Name:
Spouse Nickname:
Spouse Birthdate:
Spouse Birthplace:
Spouse Death Date:
Spouse Death Place:
Name(s) of Children:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Birthplace of Father:
Birthplace of Mother: