
The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware is proud to publish books and pamphlets about the history of the Jewish Community in Delaware. Many publications are available in downloadable PDF files, as well as print editions.

Becoming American, Remaining Jewish: The Story of Wilmington, Delaware’s First Jewish Community, 1879-1924
by Toni Young
Wilmington’s first permanent Jewish community began as a collection of less than 100 Jews in 1879 and grew to a community of over 4000 people by the early 1920s when the immigration laws changed, and growth slowed down. This in-depth study of one community’s success in preserving Jewish values and becoming American will provide insights for all readers interested in exploring questions of identity and community today. Illustrated.
Published by the University of Delaware Press, ISBN: 978-1611491890
Order from University of Delaware Press
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Justice, Justice Shalt Thou Pursue: Delaware’s Jewish Judges
by Richard D. Levin

The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware is pleased to announce the publication of Justice, Justice Shalt Thou Pursue: Delaware’s Jewish Judges: A History based on the program presented by Richard D. Levin at the JHSD’s 2019 Annual Meeting. The story of Delaware’s Jewish Judges spans 118 years and offers biographical sketches of thirty-eight remarkable men and women from Delaware’s Jewish community who have served in the Delaware Judiciary. Illustrated.
Published by the Jewish Historical Society of Delaware.
ISBN: 978-0-9911866-1-7

A Tribute to my Teacher Rabbi Simon Krinsky: His Poetry Before 1936
by Rabbi Edward Zerin
 A Tribute to my Teacher Rabbi Simon Krinsky
Sixty poems originally published in Yiddish in 1936, now available in a dual language edition with a new English translation. Rabbi Krinsky, a Hebrew educator with a poetic soul composed in Yiddish Rabbi Zerin shaped into a sensitive English.
Published by the Jewish Historical Society of Delaware,
ISBN: 978-0991186600
Historical Review of Jewish Education in Delaware (1876-1976) by Harry Bluestone$2.50

A Social History of the West Second Street Jewish Community — Wilmington, Delaware, 1930-1940
by Marvin S. Balick
Out of Print
The Letters of “Dear Mollye” a.k.a. Mollye Sklut a.k.a. A Person Who Made a Difference by Marvin S. Balick$5.00
Introduction to Delaware’s Jewish Centennial$.75
Delaware Jewry: The Formative Years 1872-1889 by Rabbi David Geffen$1.00
Out of Print
Jewish Delaware: 1655-1976, History, Sites and Communal Services$.75
Out of Print
A Guide to the ArchivesDownload PDF file
JHSD Newsletter – Back issues
Delaware Jews in American Wars DVDDelaware Jews in American Wars DVD$10.00
Delaware and the Jews edited by Toni Young$15.00
Out of Print
Document Care and Preservation GuideFREE
Resource Guide to Delaware Jewish GenealogyDownload PDF file

Postage and handling $5.50

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Jewish Historical Society of Delaware
515 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
The Jewish Historical Society of Delaware is a Beneficiary Agency of The Jewish Federation of Delaware