The Sellers Estate – Then and Now
Guest Speaker, Emily Collopy,
MA History, ’24, University of Delaware
Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2024 for the Jewish Historical Society of Delaware’s Annual Meeting and presentation.
Learn about the history of the Sellers Estate, remember summers at the JCC camp, and learn about how the property has continued to be part of special summer memories for so many Delaware residents.
Seating is limited. Reservations are recommended.
Visit jhsdelaware.org or call 302 655-6232.

JHSD Board Nominations
Dr. David Wilk, President
Dr. Harriet Ainbinder, Vice President for Membership and Marketing
Robin Kauffman Saran, Vice President for Building and Grounds
Peter Zoll, Vice President for Finance and Development
Hon. Donald Parsons, Treasurer
Michael Lundy, Secretary
Board Members
Hon. Robert Coonin
Dr. Roger Horowitz
Michael Joseph
Ron Riebman
Charles Salkin
Janice Selekman
Mark Wagman
Diane Wolf, Immediate Past-President
JHSD extends appreciation and gratitude for the work of the following board members who will be leaving the JHSD board.
Paula Gordon, Treasurer
Paul Lukoff and John Elzufon, Board Members
Minutes of the Jewish Historical Society of Delaware Annual Meeting,
April 30, 2023
Reservations are closed for this event.